With so much uncertainty in the world right now, the good news is... you probably have plenty of extra time on your hands to begin projects, finish projects, complete courses, finish books, upgrade your gym, upgrade your website, create all that content you wanted to post on your Instagram, or just increase productivity by putting your time and energy into the things that have been on the back burner or on your to do list for a while.

Now is a great time to take stock of yourself and your career. Take inventory of where you are at, and make the changes necessary to get to where you want to be. It’s tough with a busy schedule, or maybe a full time job that pays the bills getting in the way of you applying yourself to things you know will take your career up a level or even get you on track to the career you want.
With so much negativity in the world right now, the good news is..you probably have plenty of extra time on your hands to begin projects, finish projects, complete courses, finish books, upgrade your gym, upgrade your website, create all that content you wanted to post on your Instagram, or just increase productivity by putting your time and energy into the things that have been on the back burner or on your to do list for a while.
The key is to take action and not get too comfortable doing nothing during this difficult time of quarantine.
Assess where you are at with your schedule, your clients, your business, your finances and your career..
Here are 3 areas that we can all focus on to put ourselves in a better position than before the current quarantine…
Continue to learn, a simple Google search for ‘online personal training, strength and conditioning, training, diet and nutrition course’ will pull up a ton of results of great companies offering online education that will keep your passion and knowledge fueled. Set yourself the goal to pick up a new certification during the quarantine.
Finish a book or start a book. If there’s been a recent training, fitness, mindset book or something you’ve thought might be interesting to do, get on it, you have the time to read, listen and absorb some new content right now to keep that knowledge base fueled. Set yourself to complete at least one eBook, audio book or physical book related to your career path during the quarantine.
Watch a live webinar, my inbox has been full of fitness companies offering live webinars and online discussions about the state of the industry right now and how will look post Corona Virus, this is free education, check them out and get involved in the discussions.
Review honestly and accurately where your business, your services and your products are at. Take inventory of everything that is good, bad and the things you want to implement. Upgrade your gym, your equipment, paint a wall, install something new, add value to your clients’ returning experience. If there’s a part of your facility that has been needing an upgrade for a while, a piece of equipment that’s needed replacing, a paint job or an upgrade that’s been on hold, well now is the time to get it done. Document the process, share it with your members, create some excitement for them to get back in once everything reopens, add something new for them to look forward to.
Technology: learn how to create content, learn how to edit content, practice speaking on camera to present good workouts for your clients. Film & practice presenting great workouts for your clients to do at home or when they get back into the gym with you. Show your passion to keep their fitness journey on track even if they’re not with you 1-1 right now. Hiring a virtual assistant who can edit and create videos and photo graphics for you is a great way to get your content library built up a lot quicker.
Learn how to use a new programming platform, work on how to build an online program that would give your clients added value. Create a system for your gym that allows your members to check in more easily, or follow workouts better, or coaches them through something, improve and upgrade wherever you think you can.
Work on creating different revenue streams, for example; creating online programs that clients will want to get involved with while at home. Look to partner with a nutrition company or a clothing company that can upgrade the services in your gym, again share this process and create something new and exciting for your clients and members to look forward to when they get back in the gym with you.
Offer live workouts and online classes, this is a great way to some group sessions going, offer Instagram live workouts for free, Zoom classes, YouTube classes and / or personal training sessions, use it as a chance to get your clients to introduce their friends and family to you.
Start an online store, begin putting time and effort into creating new products for your brand, or begin on creating a new look for your brand and begin offering products such as; training equipment for in-home workouts, nutrition supplies to keep your members and clients healthy while home. Things like this will only show your members, clients and potential clients how passionate you are to keep their health and fitness journey on track. You can start by hiring a virtual assistant to do the research for you, a great option for hiring a virtual assistant is onlinejobs.ph.
Glenn Holmes